Day Trip Cancellation Policy (and Booking Conditions)

1. Booking and Payment

When a booking is made for a day trip, the 'lead name' on the booking guarantees that he or she is 18 and has the authority and accepts on behalf of the party the terms of these booking conditions. After we receive your booking and all appropriate payments, if the arrangements you wish to book are available, we will send you a confirmation invoice within 14 days, in the first instance on email, if a hard copy if required this should be requested at time of booking. This confirmation will include any special requests we have agreed. Please check the confirmation carefully to ensure all the information is correct. The full balance of the price of your day trip must be made at time of booking.

2. Marketing Materials Accuracy

Although Jones Holidays make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the day trip information and pricing, regrettably errors do sometimes occur. You must therefore ensure you check the price and all other details of your day trip with us at the time of booking and when you receive our confirmation invoice.

3. Our Pricing Policy

Jones Holidays endeavour to ensure that the most up to date and correct prices are shown in our marketing materials. Occasionally, an incorrect price may be shown, due to an error. When we become aware of any such error, we will endeavour to notify you at the time of booking (if we are then aware of the mistake) or as soon as reasonably possible. We reserve the right to cancel the booking if you do not wish to accept the price which is applicable to the day trip.

4. If you change your booking

If, after our confirmation has been issued, you wish to change to another of our day trips, we will do our utmost to make the changes, but we cannot guarantee to do so. However, notification must be received in writing or over the phone at our offices from the person who made the booking, at least 4 weeks before departure. Alterations after this date will be treated as a cancellation of the original booking and will be subject to the cancellation charges set out in paragraph below.

5. Transferring your booking

You can transfer your booking to somebody else, but the person must satisfy all the conditions of the day trip and you must inform us in writing or over the phone no less than 7 days before departure.

6. Cancellation

You or any member of your party, may cancel your day trip at any time provided the cancellation is made by the person who made the booking and is notified to us in writing or over the phone. Your cancellation will take effect from the date on which we receive your confirmation of your cancellation. Please see cancellation details below:

Period before departure within which cancellation of package price is received

Amount of cancellation Charge as a % of total package cost

More than 14 days Full refund or transfer to alternative day trip

7 – 13 days Transfer of funds to alternative day trip

0 – 6 days 100%

In the event of a day trip being cancelled by us, you will be offered to transfer any monies paid to an alternative day trip, or a full refund. If you cancel your day trip booking, should inclusions have already been contracted and paid for by us cancellation charges may vary.

7. Complaints

If you have a complaint regarding your day trip, please write to us within 7 days of return to Jones Holidays, Chester Road, Flint, CH6 5DZ. Or email

8. Our Coaches

We will always use our reasonable endeavours to provide a coach to the specification advertising in our marketing materials. There is a seating plan but, in some cases, operational reasons may require a coach with a different configuration. We reserve the right to alter a coach seating plan and allocate seats other than those booked. Single passengers may be required to share a double seat with other single passengers. When your booking is confirmed, you will be offered the best seats that are available at that time. If you feel that you require two seats, then these must be booked and paid for in advance, at the time of booking.

9. Passengers with Disabilities

We want everyone to enjoy our day trips. We are happy to advise and assist you in choosing a suitable day trip, it is important that, when booking, you advise us of any disability, specific need or complex need you may have and any special requirements that will make sure the day trip is suitable.

10. Passenger Behaviour

We want all our customers to have a happy and carefree day trip. You are responsible for your behaviour and hygiene and the effect it may have on others. If you or any other member of your party is abusive, disruptive or behaves in a way that could cause damage or injury to others or affect their enjoyment of their day trip or which could damage property, we have the right to terminate your contract with us and we will have no further liability or obligation to you. The coach driver/representative is entitled to refuse you boarding if in their reasonable opinion you are unacceptably under the influence of drink or drugs or you are being violent or disruptive. If you are refused boarding on the outward journey, we will regard it as a cancellation by you and we will apply cancellation charges. If on your return journey, we have the right to terminate the contract with you.

11. General Data Protection Regulations

We comply with the GDPR 2018 Regulations, our data controller is Beverley Cooke, Head of Sales and Marketing and our data protection policy can be found at or you can request a copy from Jones Holidays, Chester Road, Flint, CH6 5DZ.

12. Emergency Contact

Our emergency contact details are Tel: 01492 879133, Email:

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